Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lazy Sunday?

Today is Sunday, and I got to finally go pick up the dress I bought a couple of weeks ago. It fits beautifully! However, I'd be perfectly fine with it being a little looser come wedding day ;-)

As much as I wish I could just lounge around today, I still have work to do! With the snow days, I'm not sure what class is going to be like tomorrow and what my cooperating teacher is going to want me to do. I'm trying to get as much planned as possible.

It's been really tough coming into a different teacher's classroom and set up. At first I was glad to have another person's structure to slide into, but now I'm getting excited to redesign a lot of what she already has in place. Like her power points. Once I get done summarizing the paragraphs she put on the pages, I'm hopefully going to get rid of the bullet points. That's one rule I'll never forget from my technology and teaching class - no bullet points! You should never read students a power point and call that teaching. Power points should be visual aid, any extra text can go in the notes for you to refer to and for students to look at after class online. I might even get adventurous and put it on a SMARTboard notebook presentation and make it interactive for the class.

When I got into the classroom last week, I felt so intimidated. Now that I'm breaking everything down and making it my own, I'm not nervous at all. I can teach, it doesn't matter if I don't know every play or musical that is good for high schoolers; it's okay that my theatre history knowledge is confined to scenery and costumes. I am an intelligent person, and if I need to teach Medieval theatre to high schoolers, I will be an expert on Medieval theatre in a week (well, at least well informed). It's not about the content, it's about the teaching.

Deep breath..... I CAN DO THIS!!

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