Thursday, January 20, 2011

My First Blog

I am snowed in today, and there is no better time to begin a new project than when you cannot leave your house. 'Why begin a blog,' you might ask, 'Why not keep your thoughts to yourself?' Good question. I've been taught as a teacher that when you don't know something you offer to the student to find out the answer with them. So, I invite you to help me find the answer as to why such a busy person as myself needs to be sharing each busy step.

If you have not gathered from the title of this blog, I am getting married. Also, I am teaching - student teaching, that is. Both feel like the stressful steps before the beginning of something big that I can't quite fathom yet. It's strange to me that both of these times in my life are coinciding. I will finish student teaching and graduate in May, marry in July, and hopefully have a job someplace in a yet to be decided new city when my husband begins grad school in August. But for right now, I'm back in my parent's house, over a hundred miles from my friends and fiance.

You see, my university is in one of the poorest rural districts in the country, and I, against all rhyme and reason, chose to specialize in speech and theatre. Of course, only a handful of high schools near my university offer these courses, and I have already observed and/or taught at most of them. So I returned to my suburban hometown crawling with school districts that can't build new buildings fast enough and even offer theatre to middle schoolers.

My fiance has been desperately trying to get a job nearby and move in with his widowed step-grandmother in order to be closer. But even recent graduates with degrees in Microbiology can't find jobs right now. It's tough, but hopefully when he has his doctorate in 5 or 6 years things will have turned around.

Perhaps I've already discovered with you now the answer as to why I'm starting this blog Amidst all of the business and stress, I'm just a little lonely.

1 comment:

  1. Ok this is Emily, I've no idea why it won't let me post under my twitter account.In case you were wondering--i am reading! I know when i blog--i wonder if i'm talking to nobody. most of the time i am, because i really never tell anyone about my blog (it's not connected to Blogger). Anyway, I do miss seeing you around! We have our first Stu Gov meeting this Monday, and it just won't be the same without you! Keep blogging, cause this girl is-a-reading!
